Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Jewelry: The Symbol of Beauty and Passion

Jewelry has always been the greatest possession especially for the women of the world. It represents unmatched beauty, confidence and not to forget at some occasions, even social status. The history of jewelry usage goes back long way with its footsteps found around seventy five thousand years ago in the people of Africa. Down the years it has gone through several reformation and today there are plenty of jewelry style, designs, forms and colors which are used by the modern society.

There are various kinds of jewelry forms which have been appreciated down the years. Nearly every metal and its alloys have been used to form different eye catching variety of jewelry. Bronze, gold, platinum, titanium, white gold, palladium and silver are some of the popular forms of jewelry. These jewelries are beautified with number of gemstones like amber, emerald, Jasper, quartz, ruby, diamond and others. Skillful craftsman and precious metals with right combination produces the bravura collection of earrings, necklaces, rings and bangles.

Not only precious and costly modes of jewelry like white gold diamond rings(In Danish hvidguld diamant ringe), gold pendants and silver necklaces have been used as body adornment but in today’s world cheap materials like glass, wood, clay, beads and even plastics are used to make cosmetic jewelry and gain huge appreciation from the society. These jewelry pieces are smart, trendy, light weighted and much comfortable to use. They are such prepared, so that they can be well matched with every form of attire and thus gaining extreme popularity in the recent years. Even with rising crime, theft and burglary it is not a safe option to wear silver necklaces (In Danish sølv halskæder)or big diamond rings to workplace or marketplace, the reason why, more and more women prefer costume jewelry which are cheap and fashionable.

Traditional Jewelry also has a special place as it is a symbol of elegance, grandeur and chic sophistication. They are mainly used in case of socialization and grand occasions like festivals and weddings and bigger functions. The traditional jewelry metal speaks volumes of sentiments like diamond rings are considered as wedding rings whereas platinum resembles union of heart. Useless to mention, it gives a huge boost to the social stature with glittering stones and shinning metals.

Though difference of opinion in both styles of jewelry is common, but the basic admiration on the body adornment metals never passes by from human mind. Today beauty enhancement without some form of jewelry is considered impossible.

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