Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Get to know about sterlingsølv

Whenever you ponder about giving a gift to your spouse, girl friend or boy friend then nothing can be better option except a cute ring. It is a symbol of love and devotions from many years and it is also well said that it touches the heart of the person. I have seen so many rings around like: silver, diamond, black metal and so on but the most attractive, pure and sacred looking ring is sterling silver ring.

Sølv smykker- Getting popular day by day

Sterling silver is being popular day by day, which enhances the beauty of women or men. Different kinds of jewelry which includes pendants, earrings and rings are made by sterling silver. Jewelry(In Danish smykker) has a lot of variety. Here I would only discuss about the silver rings. If we would have to define these cute ornaments then it would be like this, it is a kind circular band, which is worn around your finger. It is an ornament which enhances the beauty of your fingers. So let’s move towards a nice discussion about the kinds of rings. You must have seen so many rings around and must be tempted to wear them. I am very much fond of these circular bands.

Hjerte ørestikker- Love on Finger

A nice strip which is bent in a round shape according to the finger it is worn and it is closed from both ends. It is rather flat. These are also called the flat wedding finger bands(In Danish fingerringe). These are basically made of metallic structures like gold and silver. Knowing about half round rings would be really very interesting for you. Here loop is not joined as in the flat wedding metallic circles. They look like English alphabet D, and are not completely circled. Now coming to another types of rings, which are basically called sleeve rings. Their inner layer is stiff. They are combinations of so many circled structures put together to cover the sleeve round. Solitaire rings are (as clear by name) are made of diamond. Trinity round bands are worn only one time can’t be re- worn. Cluster means a group, so this formula is used to make a cluster circled band. It has so many huge stones in it. In tension round shaped bands pressure is given to put a gem into the kind of ring.

All these above described rings are available in market easily. Sterling makes the ornaments so much attractive and eye catchy. So you any type of ring you choose but go for sterling silver ring.

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